Monday, October 10, 2011

Panduan Treatmen terhadap Diagnostik Test Malaria


Use of RDTs to direct the use of anti-malarial drugs in young children did not result in any missed diagnoses of malaria although new infections soon after a consultation with a negative RDT result may undermine confidence in results. Invasive bacterial disease is uncommon in children with non-severe illness and most cases occurred in infants with a current fever

Malar J. 2011 Oct 6;10(1):290
PMID: 21978238

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Ebook di Universitas Indonesia

Salah satu portal ebook yang memiliki ribuan koleksi buku digital telah lama dilanggan UI. Awalnya langganan tersebut dilakukan oleh FMIPA beberapa tahun silam. Akses ke situs tersebut adalah
Akses hanya dapat di lingkungan kampus. Selamat membaca.